Soft and full of spices with a gooey caramel nut topping, these caramel pecan rolls are the perfect accompaniment to your morning coffee.
Caramel Pecan Rolls

All-natural recipes and baking tips for home bakers
Soft and full of spices with a gooey caramel nut topping, these caramel pecan rolls are the perfect accompaniment to your morning coffee.
The Week’s Best Recipes If you’re like me, you get an inbox full of recipes every week from all the websites you’ve browsed through. But do you really have time to go through all of them to sort out the wheat from the chaff? Probably not. But I do! Here’s The Week’s Best Recipes from across the web. Take a peek and see what might …
The Week’s Best Recipes If you’re like me, you get an inbox full of recipes every week from all the websites you’ve browsed through. But do you really have time to go through all of them to sort out the wheat from the chaff? Probably not. But I do! Here’s this week’s collection of The Week’s Best Recipes from across the web. Take a peek …
Deep, dark, decadent chocolate brownies are a treat for the whole family, and this recipe makes it easy. My Easy Homemade Brownies use unsweetened 100% cacao, along with some white chocolate to even things out. Brownies are one of the first things I learned to bake as a kid, partly because the ingredients are almost always in the house. Eggs, flour, chocolate, sugar and salt, …
A bread machine is a useful tool, but it usually needs a little help to produce the best-quality loaf. Here are a number of things to look for when making adjustments to your bread machine recipes.
Soft, chewy and full of flavor, potato bread is one of my favorites. But I’d never been able to successfully pull it off in my bread machine . . . until now. This loaf is soft, but substantial, chewy and not the least bit crumbly. Cutting into that first piece was a delight! You’ll love it.
A fine white cake flavored with white chocolate, pecans and coconut. Regular and high-altitude directions.
Air Fryer Roasted Potatoes. Crispy skin, soft, creamy middles. Ready in about 15 minutes. Potatoes have been a staple in my life since . . . well, since before I can remember. As a toddler, Mom would be slicing up a bagful and would hand us a piece of raw potato to munch on. Then into the cast-iron skillet they would go, browning in bacon …
If you’ve never attempted fish at home, you really should try this Easy Oven Baked Salmon Recipe. Five ingredients, including the fish, and 15 to 20 minutes of baking time make it perfect for an impressive meal. What’s even better is that it’s basically foolproof! It’s baked uncovered in the oven, and with a few pointers, you can easily tell just when it’s perfectly done. …
The Best All-Time Cookbooks. For Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, International Home Cooking Day and Christmas – these cookbooks are (or soon will be) classics for the home cook and baker. Yes, you really can learn to cook well by following in the footsteps of the masters. Check them out! The Best All-Time Cookbooks Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Julia Child, Simone Beck, and Louisette Bertholle On …