Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS

Kitchenaid Hand Mixer Review

Kitchenaid Hand Mixer

Kitchenaid Hand Mixer Review: Find out why this handy tool can make your life easier, even if you own a regular stand mixer. But I have a stand mixer, and other baking tools and equipment already – why would I need a hand mixer? I remember thinking that way, too. But when you’re in the middle of a recipe, and it calls for mixing 1 …

Best Buy: Instant Pot

Do you have a list of kitchen tools or gadgets that you wish you had? Though I’ve stocked my kitchen with some great tools, there are gaps as well.  Lately, I’ve been eyeing the new Instant Pots that are advertised everywhere.  I have a standard pressure cooker, and it still works fine, but having all the automated features on an Instant Pot makes me pause …

Rusty Baking Pan

Best Baking Pans

Beautiful cakes don’t just happen.  It takes the right recipe, the right technique, and the Best Baking Pans.  And this ain’t it. Most likely, you either inherited a mismatched collection of baking pans from Mom, or you picked up some basics along the way – pans you’ve used since leaving the dorm room.  I know I did, anyway.  And over time I realized if I …

Various Baking Pans

Is Aluminum Safe for Baking?

Is Aluminum Safe for Baking? You can find numerous articles on what type of pan you should use to bake cakes. I can tell you, I’ve used them all – old, new, black, silver, glass, cheap, expensive . . . and I’ve made nice cakes with all of them. But they’re all different, and if you find yourself switching back and forth between this type …