Showing: 31 - 40 of 91 RESULTS

Kansas Bierocks Recipe

If you’ve never had a bierock (we pronounce it BEER-OCK in Kansas where I grew up), you are really missing a treat. This authentic Kansas Bierocks Recipe using ground beef comes from Ellis, Kansas, center of the Germans-from-Russia (Volga-Deutsch) settlements that sprung up all over Kansas and Nebraska in the 1870s. The Volga-Deutsch Heritage I am very proud of my Volga-Deutsch heritage. Frankly, it distresses …

Wicked Good Boston Cream Pie

Wicked Good Boston Cream Pie Recipes

Regular and High-Altitude Recipes Included. When a recipe is practically perfect, I don’t mess with it, and this one is.  The only thing I added is a high-altitude Boston Cream Pie version for my mountain friends.  Otherwise, this is the tried-and-true Wicked Good Boston Cream Pie recipe tested by Cook’s Illustrated (a fine publication, and highly recommended.) Read the Best Cooking Magazine Ever – Cook’s …

Easy Chocolate Brownies

Easy Homemade Brownies

Deep, dark, decadent chocolate brownies are a treat for the whole family, and this recipe makes it easy. My Easy Homemade Brownies use unsweetened 100% cacao, along with some white chocolate to even things out. Brownies are one of the first things I learned to bake as a kid, partly because the ingredients are almost always in the house. Eggs, flour, chocolate, sugar and salt, …

Sliced Potato Bread

Bread Machine Potato Bread

Soft, chewy and full of flavor, potato bread is one of my favorites. But I’d never been able to successfully pull it off in my bread machine . . . until now. This loaf is soft, but substantial, chewy and not the least bit crumbly. Cutting into that first piece was a delight! You’ll love it.

Air Fryer Fried Potatoes

Air Fryer Roasted Potatoes

Air Fryer Roasted Potatoes. Crispy skin, soft, creamy middles. Ready in about 15 minutes. Potatoes have been a staple in my life since . . . well, since before I can remember. As a toddler, Mom would be slicing up a bagful and would hand us a piece of raw potato to munch on. Then into the cast-iron skillet they would go, browning in bacon …

Oven Baked Salmon on sheet of foil with herbs

Easy Oven Baked Salmon

If you’ve never attempted fish at home, you really should try this Easy Oven Baked Salmon Recipe. Five ingredients, including the fish, and 15 to 20 minutes of baking time make it perfect for an impressive meal. What’s even better is that it’s basically foolproof! It’s baked uncovered in the oven, and with a few pointers, you can easily tell just when it’s perfectly done. …