Oven Baked Country Style Ribs

Oven Baked Country Style Ribs

You’ve probably come across packages of “Country Style Ribs” in your grocery.  If you’re like me, you wondered “So, what’s the difference between these and just regular ‘ribs’?”  Well, they’re not the same, and that means you need to prepare them a little differently than you would a regular rack of pork ribs.  This recipe for Oven Baked Country Style Ribs is super-simple, and produces …

Black Raspberry Turnovers

Black Raspberry Turnovers – Black Raspberry Recipes

Here in Colorado, fall arrives early every year.  By Halloween, we’re looking for the first snowflakes!  It’s also the time to collect those berries off the vines in the yard.  Dwaine has transplanted some black raspberry vines from house to house and this year we finally got a decent crop.  With the new crop, I’ve been searching for some new black raspberry recipes, and here’s the …

Organic Food Coloring - Review

Organic Food Coloring – Review

Organic Food Coloring – Review Nothing seems more artificial than adding coal-tar chemicals to your food to change the color.  But these days, artificial food coloring is found almost everywhere, from sodas to candy to pickles and even your daily vitamin!  It’s very difficult to avoid, even if you’re scrupulous about it. The United States v. Europe: What’s Allowed in Food In the United States, …

Cool Things on Etsy

Here’s a new feature for my readers here at Baking Naturally – Cool Things on Etsy. Here’s a look at some of the very helpful tools you can find on Etsy, the small business marketplace. Most bloggers like me are affiliates for various companies like Amazon or eBay, and you’ll see ads from them on my posts now and then. These days, however, I find …

Dublin Coddle

Traditional Dublin Coddle Recipe

I grew up Catholic, and back in the day, it was considered a “no-no” to eat before Mass. So you’d get up, wash and brush and find your church shoes and load up in the car. Sometime between the homily and communion, your stomach would start growling. During the last hymn, you’d be fidgeting in the pew, aching to get out. Then you’d pack back …

Authentic Irish Stew

Authentic Irish Stew

Comforting and satisfying Authentic Irish Stew. A trip to Ireland simply isn’t complete without a visit to a local pub for a bowl of hot Irish Stew.  You’ll find it everywhere – and it will never taste the same twice!  So it’s difficult to call something “Authentic Irish Stew.” It seems “authentic” means, “how me own ma used ta mek et!” With that said, I …

Easy Blackberry Crumble

Easy Raspberry Crumble

Looking for a way to use up some leftover berries? Or perhaps you have some frozen berries and you need a good recipe for them. Try this Easy Raspberry Crumble. Ready in an hour, and made with ingredients you probably have on hand right now. We grow our own berries and I usually have a whole shelf full of frozen berries to use at any …

Irish Soda Bread

Traditional Irish Soda Bread

I visited Ireland a few years ago and I remember a bread baker telling me this as we toured his shop. And while you can find a thousand recipes for Traditional Irish Soda Bread – the American ones really like to add raisins – if it varies from these 4 basic ingredients, it’s not the real thing.  And you wouldn’t want the fae gettin’ all …