Best White Cake from Scratch

Best White Cake from Scratch

Regular and High-Altitude Recipes At this moment, I’m staying indoors and away from any nasty viruses out there, and with that spare time, I’m putting together several recipes I’ve had in my queue to investigate. The first is this Best White Cake from Scratch. White cake from scratch can be a challenge. Manufacturers add all kinds of additives to make box mixes “moist”, but at …

Irish Cream Coffee Cake

Bailey’s Irish Coffee Cake

Bailey’s Irish Coffee Cake – Everyone is familiar with Coffee Cake, right?  It’s that yellow cake with brown sugar and you eat it with coffee.  Well, that’s not what this is.  This is cake . . . with coffee.  Coffee in the cake.  And throw in a little Bailey’s while you’re at it.  Irish Coffee Cake.  Yeah.  There you go. I took a tour of …

Black Velvet Cupcakes

Black Velvet Cupcakes

My partner, Dwaine, has a green thumb. Sadly, it has not rubbed off on me.  I may be able to keep my cooking herbs alive (with help), but he’s the one who makes the garden bloom in spring.  He’s always fussing over the black raspberry bushes planted on the side of the house.  We’ve harvested tons of fine black raspberries that we then freeze to …

Meat Cooking Temperatures

Meat Cooking Temperatures. The temperature at which you cook your meat will determine the flavor and the moisture of the finished product.  Low temperatures protect the moisture; high temperatures develop flavor.  My recipes use a combination of both to give you the best of both worlds. Searing When a recipe calls for searing the meat, you’re looking to develop a browned crust on all sides …

Fresh Asparagus Recipes

Though I’m staring out my window at a cold winter landscape here in Denver, Colorado, my thoughts are moving toward spring.  Just before this lastest winter blast, I was walking past my garden and noticed my hyacinths are already beginning to poke their green tips out of the ground.  And when you see that, you know spring is just around the corner. And spring means …

Homemade Hot Pockets

Kansas Bierocks with Three Variations

Kansas Bierocks with Three Variations: If you’ve ever bought the commercial-grade Hot Pockets brand snacks, you’ve had to wonder what was in them, right?  I mean – how can you put something in the microwave and never, ever know if it’s going to be a pizza-cicle on the inside or molten cheese-lava?  It’s positively diabolical!  And the ingredients?  I’ve seen fewer chemicals in my students’ …

Old Fashioned Coconut Cake

Old Fashioned Coconut Cake

And here it is: The best Old Fashioned Coconut Cake recipe.  It doesn’t use white cake mix (with it’s sickly-sweet taste and gummy texture).  All-natural ingredients – no artificial flavors or colors. Includes both regular and high-altitude versions. If you’re a regular visitor, you know I live in Colorado – at around 5,300 feet. Because of this, lots of cake recipes have to be adjusted …