Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS

Coconut Cream Cupcakes

Coconut Milk Cupcakes

Coconut Cream Cupcakes It’s finally springtime here at the edge of the Colorado Rockies.  And with that comes time to shift gears to something with a lighter taste. Coconut fills the bill here.  These Coconut Cream Cupcakes are all-natural and substitute coconut milk for some of the fat you would normally add with butter. I have another recipe for Old Fashioned Coconut Cake that I’ve …

Black Velvet Cupcakes

Black Velvet Cupcakes

My partner, Dwaine, has a green thumb. Sadly, it has not rubbed off on me.  I may be able to keep my cooking herbs alive (with help), but he’s the one who makes the garden bloom in spring.  He’s always fussing over the black raspberry bushes planted on the side of the house.  We’ve harvested tons of fine black raspberries that we then freeze to …